Sydney A.

Graduation year: 2023
Hometown: Arlington, VA
Previous School(s):
Potomac School, Flint Hill School, Prospect Sierra

What is your favorite Athenian tradition?

My favorite tradition is the Faculty Show (where teachers host a performance for the community). It is entertaining, and we get to see our teacher's personalities and interests outside the classroom. All of Athenian's teachers are really talented. For example, last year one teacher did a song about Athenian to the tune of the Eagles' Hotel California.

What is your favorite class?

My favorite class is Anatomy & Physiology, and that’s surprising to me because I feel like I am more of a “lit kid” than a “STEM kid." Through experiential learning, I got excited about things I didn’t think I would be excited about like the human body. It’s super interesting to learn and see what’s inside of my own body and how everything works. I’m so excited for the dissections! We’re going to do a sheep brain, pig heart, fetal pig, and an eye.
