The Sherwoods: All in the Family

This year, the Sherwood family concluded our 14th and final year at Athenian with our youngest daughter Alex’s graduation. I remember many years ago walking into Athenian with our oldest daughter, Taylor, to take a tour and meet some faculty and students. Upon entering the office I overheard a conversation between student and secretary. What the exchange was about does not matter, but the manner of the exchange did – as I saw fun, engaged and personal interest – not just between administrative staff and student, but between family. This was our introduction to Athenian.
Early in our Athenian experience, our first daughter’s overnight outdoor class introduction and team bonding was met with heavy rain, and I remember Athenian leaders coming under some criticism from parents as a result of the weather. My response was that we did not send our kids to Athenian to avoid bad weather, but to experience it. We are grateful that all three of our children could experience such “weather” with passionate, dedicated and enthusiastic teachers who we will forever remember as family.
Our last child now leaves Athenian like the others; confident and with greater perspective, not looking to avoid the rain but to embrace it and those who need a little shelter from it, just like Athenian did for them and us. 
On behalf of our family to the Athenian family we thank you for the peaks and valleys from Death Valley to Danville and all the friends and family and the weather that came with it. 