2020-2021 Schedules


We have developed a three-phase schedule that incrementally moves us from distance learning to a full return to campus. The pattern and rhythm of the day are consistent in all three models, though the length of class periods varies slightly. We will reopen for 2020-2021 in Phase 1, moving into Phase 2 and Phase 3 as legal guidance and safety permit. 

For the on-campus schedules in Phase 2 and Phase 3, we have created both a “low-density” schedule in which only two-thirds of our students will be on campus at any time, and a “high-density” version that we will implement once we are safely able to accommodate all students on campus.

List of 2 items.

  • Phase 1: Middle School

    Key Elements ~ Monday-Thursday
    • Students will be engaged in online learning with their teachers and classmates from 8:30 AM to 3:25 PM, Monday through Thursday. The morning instruction will include three classes each day: English, science and social studies two days each week, and math, world language, and art (grade 6) or P.E. (grades 7 and 8) the other days.
    • After lunch, starting at 1:30 PM, students will participate in two additional periods.  
      • Grade 6 will take P.E., life skills, and library/digital citizenship classes.
      • Grades 7 and 8 will take art, music and computational thinking classes. 
      • All students will participate in a Conference and Collaboration period each day. During “C&C,” teachers will be available to meet individually with students. C&C will also be a designated assessment period. 
      • The afternoon periods are part of the required school day.
    Key Elements ~ Friday
    • During distance learning, each Friday will begin with a virtual advisory meeting and an all-school Morning Meeting.
    • After that, Friday’s activities will vary depending on the day and grade level.
      • On some Fridays, students will participate in a rotation of 40-minute academic classes. At times the coursework will be independent, and at other times, several different sections of the class will meet together with the teacher.
      • On other Fridays, students will participate in a virtual grade-level workshop designed to mirror Focus Days as much as possible.
  • Phase 1: Upper School

    Key Elements ~ Monday-Thursday
    • Students will be engaged in live online learning with their teachers and classmates from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM, Monday through Thursday. Class periods are 80 minutes long to give teachers the flexibility to teach a portion of the class synchronously and then give students time for asynchronous work, projects, breakout sessions and extra help.
    Key Elements ~ Friday
    • Fridays will be reserved for Assessments, Advisory & Community Meeting time, and Conference & Collaboration so that students can get help if needed as they do their asynchronous work to prepare for the following week. Please note that Friday C&C will be a required period for all ninth and 10th grade students for the first semester.

List of 2 items.

  • Phase 2: Middle School

    Phase 2 begins when the county permits students to return to campus. In this phase, students will come to campus for instruction from from 8:30 AM-12:40 PM for the grade 6, and from 8:20 AM-12:30 PM for the grades 7 and 8. 
    Key Elements ~ Monday-Thursday
    • The Phase 2 schedule is consistent with Phase 1, but with morning classes on campus and afternoon classes at home. Please note that afternoon classes begin slightly later to provide time for students to transition home and eat lunch.
      • This schedule allows students to adjust to a “new normal” on campus with small, socially distanced cohorts and mask wearing. Also, by not serving lunch or having students eat on campus, we avoid a higher-risk activity. 
      • The virtual afternoon schedule allows students to engage with more students than those in their small cohort, and provides important opportunities for connection and socialization.
      • Lastly, participating in Conference and Collaboration virtually allows all students access to all of their teachers each day of the week. 
    • Phase 2 includes both low-density and high-density models.
    Key Elements ~ Friday
    • During Phase 2, Friday’s schedule will include a rotation of virtual Fridays and on-campus Focus Days. Initially, we plan to have no more than one grade level on campus at a time for Friday activities.
  • Phase 2: Upper School

    Phase 2 begins when the county permits students to return to campus. In this phase, students will come to campus for instruction from 8:10 AM-12:35 PM and resume online instruction in the afternoon.

    Key Elements ~ Monday-Thursday
    • The Phase 2 schedule is consistent with Phase 1, but with morning classes on campus and afternoon classes at home. Classes will be 75 minutes long. Please note that afternoon classes begin slightly later to provide time for students to transition home and have lunch (this extends the school day by 15 minutes as classes will end at 3:45 PM).
      • This schedule allows students to adjust to a “new normal” on campus with small, socially distanced cohorts and wearing masks. Also, by not serving lunch or having students eat on campus, we avoid a higher-risk activity. 
      • All classes with the exception of E period and electives will be taught in-person on campus. E period classes, which are visual and performing arts classes, will be taught as blended courses with most of the activity taking place online, with intentional in-person activities designed to take place on campus on predetermined dates. 
      • Participating in Conference and Collaboration virtually allows all students access to all of their teachers each day of the week. 
    • Phase 2 includes both low-density and high-density models.
    Key Elements ~ Friday
    • During Phase 2, Friday’s schedule will continue to include virtual Assessments, Advisory & Community Meeting time, and Conference & Collaboration so that students can get help if needed as they do their asynchronous work to prepare for the following week. Please note that Friday C&C will be a required period for all ninth and 10th grade students for the first semester.

List of 2 items.

  • Phase 3: Middle School

    In Phase 3, students will be on campus for the duration of the school day, from 8:30 AM-3:30 PM, Monday-Thursday. Fridays will include a combination of virtual classes/workshops and on-campus Focus Days. Our goal is to have students participate in as many Focus Days as possible. However, Focus Days involve space, movement and collaboration. Until we are able to safely have all three grade levels on campus at once, some Fridays will remain virtual. 
    Low-density and high-density schedules
    In Phases 2 and 3, we are prepared for the possibility that we cannot have all students safely on campus at once. Therefore, we have created low-density versions of the schedule that would allow us, during either phase, to have no more than two grade levels on campus at a time. For middle school students, the low-density model is as follows:
    • Grade 6 will participate in classes on campus.
    • Grades 7 and 8 will alternate weeks on campus. Students will participate in distance learning when they are not on campus.
    • Grade 6 will participate in distance learning until we can safely execute more than one Focus Day each week.
    • Grades 7 and 8 will participate in on-campus Focus Days during the week that they attend classes on campus. On alternating Fridays they will participate in distance learning classes or workshops.
  • Phase 3: Upper School

    In Phase 3, students will be on campus for the duration of the school day, from 8:30 AM-3:35 PM, Monday-Thursday, with 80-minute classes. Fridays will include a combination of virtual and in-person assessments and activities. Until we are able to safely have all four grade levels on campus at once, some Fridays will remain virtual. 

    Low-density and high-density schedules
    In Phases 2 and 3, we have also planned for the possibility that we cannot have all students safely on campus at once. Therefore, we have created low-density versions of the schedule that would allow us, during either phase, to have no more than two grade levels on campus at a time. For upper school students, the low-density model is as follows:

    • Grades 9 and 10 will alternate weeks on campus with grades 11 and 12. For the week that students are not on campus, they will participate in distance learning.
    • All Fridays will remain virtual until we can safely have all students on campus at the same time, but our hope is to eventually have all students back on campus five days a week.